End of LTTE in Srilanka
India Defeated In Sri Lanka!

The Indian-backed terrorism and insurgency in Sri Lanka has finally been defeated.
Like the Pakistani military, the Sri Lankans have come to realize that this is not a civil war. This is a foreign-backed trouble. The funniest part of Indian-backed terrorism in Sri Lanka is that it was quite clear where the money, arms and support was coming from. The terrorists were cornered in a tip of the island closest to the southern part of India. No matter how hard the Sri Lankan military pounded these terrorists, they would come back the next day with more weapons. A couple of times the terrorists returned with small planes!
So the Sri Lankan military did what the Pakistani military is doing now. First, both recognized that terrorism is not indigenous. It is supported from the outside. In Pakistan’s case, it was backed from the Afghan soil, where there is a growing Indian military and intelligence presence under the guise of humanitarian work fully backed by Pakistan’s trule allies, the Americans.
So the Sri Lankans defeat and kill India’s terrorists. This should give hope to the long suffering people of Kashmir, where the Indian army and Indian soldiers have become ‘freewheeling rapists’, attacking Kashmiri women as a last resort to break the will of the Kashmiri men who want freedom from India at all costs.

The freedom movement in Kashmir is one of the world’s most impressive examples of a people’s desire for freedom. The mainstream media in Ameirca and Britian, which is full of government poodles and peddlers of lies and deceit, does not cover the atrocities in Kashmir because that hurts the image of their new slave-soldier in Asia, India, whom they want to use against China and as a source for cheap soldiers in Afghanistan to stabilize the faltering American occupation there.

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