It’s About the Banks, Stupid!

Economic Terrorism: Courtesy and Blessings brought to us by our Jewish Zionists fancy banking system! "The bank “stress tests” have accomplished something that was long overdue — it gave the markets an excuse to believe that the banks will be saved by the government, without full nationalization. As a result, it has given the banks a green light to start lending again.
In previous posts, I pointed out that Obama’s mandate was to get the economy going again. I pointed out that our economic crash was not caused by a productivity shortfall, but rather by a banking crisis caused by a bubble popping from real estate. It was these banks, about the fail or otherwise unwilling to lend money and incur even minimal risk, that threatened our economy. I give credit to Obama finally realizing this and coming up with these stress tests to psychologically lift some of our fears about the survival of the banks and create some new needed confidence in the economy.
Notice though that it’s not the “stimulus” or the gargantuan Obama budget that is showing this turnaround. And in any event, this short term turnaround will be seriously jeopardized by inevitable looming inflation, caused by the runaway spending taking place in Washington. Furthermore, this early improvement in the economy is further evidence that the Obama/Pelosi stimulus, under the guise of necessity, really is mostly a trojan horse of liberal policymaking and pork spending that is part of the new Democratic agenda.

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