President Zardari's visit to France

Why President Zardari went to France? Apart from fun and games while the country burnt, he had other sinister plans!
But the real story of the weak is the visit of Mr. Zardari to France for dubious military and nuke deals. France is too keen to sell its Scorpion subs to PN but the SMAP (submarine acquisition project) of Pakistan Navy consisting of dedicated submarine officers opted for German sub-Marines.
France had been able to scuttle this sale in earlier Benazir Bhutto era and was able to sell inferior Agosta 90B subs to Pakistan Navy. This time, the Navy SMAP opted for German Subs. The project is again being attacked by France through all means possible. Now, half Jew Mr. Sarkozy is working on Mr. Zardari to convince him to change the deal and offering some dubious nuke “safety” deal as carrot. In reality, even this nuke safety deal is suspicious as it consists of certain locking systems for the nuke devices to prevent them from use, even if they fall in wrong hands. Basically, these are weapon denial locks which would even cripple Pakistani armed forces capability to use them in times of crisis. Navy is holding its ground for German subs while Mr. Zardari is negotiating it with Mr. Sarkozy.

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